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You can only drop something lesser when you are exposed to something greater!”




BenHale Academy is a co-educational, visionary school with a strong emphasis on The Arts, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology and Academics. Our life coaching programs focus on a very important aspect of learning which is the emotional and mental well-being of our students. We offer outstanding educational experiences starting from pre-school to Grade 12, within a safe Christian community of staff and students. Our classroom setting is uniquely collaborative with 16 students in a class. This enables us to embrace and deploy effective, globally-aligned best-in-class learning methods that engage every child in the learning process, where every student is surrounded by fellow students that learn to love learning, together!  We offer a highly inspirational, disciplined yet fun environment which has a high happiness factor that motivates and inspires young children to achieve. Centered on our core values and driven by our mission - to ensure the success of every child! At BenHale, we get it when God said that all human beings are fearfully and wonderfully made! We celebrate every child, recognizing them and encouraging them to be their best and to live up to our school creed -  Vivet Vita, Vivet Magnum - Live Life, Live Big, together! 


We provide an extraordinary educational opportunity for your child. We have a unique culture that is fun, effective and relevant which is part of the BenHale DNA, difficult to mirror elsewhere! BenHale is registered with the Department of Basic Education and accredited by Umalusi.  


Your child is the business community’s future employees, customers, competitors, business owners and humanity’s problem solvers! In 2015, BenHale was established by its founder Herbert Ruth, a thought leader in 21st-century education and action taker. Herbert has a passion to see every child achieve more success in life beyond school, regardless of ability. This passion overflows throughout our excellent team.


Knowing the critical hour our children are living in and the significant changing global landscape, Herbert was frustrated with the reality that schools are not evolving fast enough to empower children with the skills they will need to be successful in the future. So, in 2015, we made one fundamental shift in our educational approach, which today has become the cornerstone standard of learning for future success and we are very good at it because we are not only pioneers, but we have had the time to refine what works best in 21st-century education!



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Our learning approach works for our students instead of against them - The success of our students is closely connected to our collaborative classes, known as Harkness. 


It is in the collaborative environment at BenHale where your child will learn to form clear and purposeful goals, connect with an amazing community of people, become an integral part of a team, working with others with different perspectives, finding untapped opportunities and identify multiple solutions to complex problems.


Your child is at their best when they can be who they are!


We have accumulated a proud heritage of thought provoking leadership in education. Our parents can count on us to be consistently relevant and innovative, a step ahead of the crowd for the benefit of your child. You can count on us to help your child embrace change - learn different – connect with people – and create their future!


Many schools are trying to figure out how we educate our children for the future. BenHale has been at the forefront of developing 21st-century skills since 2015! This is our passion! This is our “A” game! We excel in 21st century learning. We love children! This is where your child will develop a global mindset and an awareness of a wider world around them! Our student-centered approach to learning will transform your child’s life!


At BenHale we focus on competencies in Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and Values.  We link learning experiences to the real world so that children have a sense of purpose in their learning. Not every child will go to university, so we help prepare children for wherever they are going in life. 

We are so passionate about educating young people, that we believe in focusing on the mental and spiritual well-being of our students to enable learner confidence through mutually supportive relationships that help your child progress toward their goals!


Have we got your attention yet? Stay with us on the journey, grab your second cup of coffee, sit back, and read further. Yes, that’s right…reading is an important skill!


BenHale is an innovative school that allows children to collaborate with their peers, to draw on existing knowledge to create new knowledge. At BenHale your child will be prepared for the future because our learning programs are designed to enable your child to think and act in a more integrated way, taking into account the inter-connections and inter-relations and learn to be systems thinkers.


Your child will be prepared to apply their knowledge in unknown and evolving circumstances. For this they will need a broad range of skills, including cognitive and meta-cognitive skills e.g. critical thinking, creative thinking, learning to learn, self-regulation as well as social and emotional skills e.g. empathy, self-efficacy, collaboration, motivation, trust, respect for diversity and virtue. 


Our multi-disciplinary learning environment is the key that unlocks future capability and provides opportunities for your child to design their own learning projects in collaboration with others. Our subjects are not experienced as a set of separate disciplines. Every subject blends and flows into one another enabling a deeper understanding of each subject in order to apply them to one another. Your child will not only learn to problem solve but will learn to think critically. Your child will learn to take on big problems like climate change, a problem, like all problems, don't fit neatly under a single school subject. Your child will learn to look at a problem from all possible angles in order to create a better solution. This learning approach will give your child a head start beyond school in thinking about and solving problems. At BenHale your child will explore their own ideas, ask their own questions and find answers their own way.


This is how we educate for the future!




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